

EasyDecon & DeconLock



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EASYDECON: Decontamination chamber with onboard generator

Decontamination chamber featuring embedded Hydrogen Peroxide generator, a great turnkey solution ideal for existing and new animal facilities.

  • Flexibility to connect different external generators available on the market
  • 6 log reduction tested on spores gives guarantee of a truly validated process
  • Pit-less design, catalyzer for no exhaust requirement, full serviceability from inside the chamber for wall-to-wall installations (e.g. corridor application)
  • Single-phase power supply with low voltage components for outstanding energy efficiency, the green choice for decon activities

DECONLOCK: High efficiency decontamination chamber

Multi-purpose and high efficiency low-temperature decontamination chamber (vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide, gaseous Chlorine Dioxide, Formalin or fogging).

  • 6 log reduction tested on spores gives guarantee of a truly validated process
  • Lowest running costs and environmental impact, ease of use and quick operations, all-in-one with only one hour decontamination cycle
  • Full control of the process thanks to logic controller (PLC) and communication protocols for HVAC and external generators integration
  • Suitable for high containment installations such as BSL3-4, inflatable gaskets design and chamber construction details guarantee of totally sealed environment
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